Frequently Asked Questions

Get all your questions answered.
Our team of experts are here to assist you with any query you may have.


If your questions are not answered in this section, please feel free to contact us by clicking the button below.
How will I know when my package reaches your US warehouse or when ready?
Once a package has been delivered at the warehouse house , it takes up to 24 to 48 hours to be updated.
Why do I have to provide ZK Shipping with invoices for my packages?
Customs charges are based on the price paid. ZK Shipping  has to declare to Jamaica customs the contents and value of each package entering the country through our service. If invoices are not provided, this will result in delays at customs and there is the possibility that the customs officer inspecting the shipment will assign a higher value to your package.
How do I avoid paying customs duty on my packages?

Packages exceeding $100usd are subject to customs duty fees and taxes.Keep your orders below US$100usd if you want to avoid paying duties.

I have more than one package ready for pick-up or delivery, do I have to pay for all of them at the same time?
No, you can pay for and collect each package separately.
Can someone else use my address to order something online?
Yes. However, all updates and charges will go to your account. We encourage each person to have their own account. It’s free!
My package appeared to be opened when I received it, why is this?
All packages coming through Jamaica Customs are opened and inspected by a customs officer to verify that the invoice matches the contents of the package. They are then resealed using cello tape.
What items are restricted?

You can visit the Jamaica Customs Agency website to review the restricted items.

What method of payments are accepted at delivery drop off?
We accept cash and all major debit/credit cards and direct deposit or Bank transfer.
Locations outside of Kingston, Portmore and St.Thomas you are required to make payment via Bank transfer or Direct Deposit before your package/s are dropped off to a third-party delivery service. Eg. Knutsford, Zipmail etc.
How will I know my charges/balance?
You can log into your account and view balance and/ or email notification.
Can someone pick up a package for me?
Yes, they can with a signed letter and a copy of your ID.
Please call and notify us.

Contact Us

Golden Grove, St. Thomas

Cell (876) 867-9140 (Kingston)

Landline (876) 706-0171 (St.Thomas)

Cell (876) 867-9180 (St.Thomas)